
First game of Malifaux thoughts.

Hello all.

I have played my first game of Malifuax this Monday with Yan Lo starter box crew against Elinor´s Kaeris and some railway worker crew at my local game store (Wizard games, Gothenburg). Because it was my first   game did we skip schemes and only had on objective, which was to  capture victory points in the centre line of the table.

Before the game have I watched some you-tube clips where they describe the elemental of Malifuax. But there where allot of things that was completely new to me and I realised that Yan Lo is not the easiest  master to start with. He has a lot of things going on for him. But I think he can be a very power full master with the right crew.

So what is my thoughts on Malifaux as a game?
I like it allot because of a number of factors but there is a high threshold for new beginners and it is maybe not the first miniature game of a person if he want to win matches early in his miniature career. But what attracts me to Malifaux is firstly the cinematic feeling of the game it flows very smooth and there is always some action going on. Second, the miniatures are gorges and relay fun/challenging to paint. Third the fluff and universe is interesting and different from allot of other games The raw nature of the universe and the all the horror creatures are interesting. Wyrd is doing a good job keeping there vision and direction straight. Fourth the card flip mechanic is nice and that you can cheat important "dice roles" and keep good cards on your hand gives Malifaux an additional level of strategy and thinking, but it also increase the luck some times on you flip. I like when there is a pretty high level of luck involved not that I have any luck but I like it.

So would I recommend this game to others; Yes! It is fast, fun and have I think the best miniatures on the market for the moment. Did I mention that it is also not that damaging for you wallet.

After my game I released that I need to expand my crew and bought a blister of Canine remains. They are on my painting table now and I am finishing the bases for them. Here is a VIP from my phone.

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