
House frame build started

Hello All!

Now after the vacations have the build picked up again after 4 weeks of waiting. Before vacation was the concrete slab done and it have cured during the vacation. If you have been following the blog have you seen that we have not been idle we are still making progress on the garden but it is slow. But now when the builders are back and a big pile of wood is deliverd to the build site will it happen things.

The plane is to raise the frame and add cladding with asfaboard to make it weather prof. The house is not a pre-build frame except the roof trusses which are pre-fabricated according to drawings. So there is one big pile of wood that will become the frame and the structure for the second floor. This will take roughly 2-3 weeks to finish. This will be the first time when we see the size  and height of the house. So it is exciting time ahead!

During the vacation have we also added a new member to the family so my wife well be the new build leader because she will be home with the little boy and can oversee the build. It will be a bit hard to let the control go but I have full confidence in here ability to make this good.

My plan is to keep you informed as the build progress and what problems we bump in to during the way, so keep tuned because now will the build pace speed up significantly.

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