
Switch control from Möllehem part: 3 (programming part 1)

Time for the programming trials to comes. I have placed allot of thoughts how to create this post in a structured way but it´s not entirely simple. But I will do my best I hope you will follow the simpleness of this system.

I will create a simple example that is based of my setup.
Short description of the setup:


Step 1: Download Android device that speaks with the electronics (decoders).
Here is a link to the site at Google play:
Install it and your good to go.

Step 2: Connect the Android device to the electronics.
Connect power to the Loconet terminator.
The blue diode should blink rapidly on the Smart phone interface box

Step 3:
Search for blue tooth devices on your andriod device and you will find the Loconet "xx"
Connect and write in code 1234
Open MGP application previously installed. Now you should see all the different decoders that is connected to your Loconet grid.

Step 4: Name all the different decoders. (good start)
Open each decoder and rename them to a logical name based on your layout

First programming. Simple servo switch command from panel buttons

Step 1: Note the SV nr on the Servo decoder and the position 1-5 of the intended servo. This will be the adress for the servo.

Step 2: Open the Panel decoder
Expand the input page

Go to the correct button based on which input is placed on the panel decoder board.
State if it´s a push button or switch button. If push button use "toggel" option.
Add the servo adress that should be trigged by the push button. The servo adress is the servo decoder adress for the first servo and then +1 for each servo connected to that decoder. For instance I want to trigger servo 3 on servo decoder with adress 40 would give me the servo adress 42 (40+2).

Step 3: Adjust Servo end points and direction to suite the implementation
Open Servo decoder
Find the servo and adjust en angle of the end points, easy to live and trim until no more stalling from the servos. It´s also possible to change speed and direction of of servo. This important to get the correct closed or throw message on the Loconet from the servo decoder.

This was all for the initial programing. With this easy setup can you control servos with simple push buttons. Next time will I show more of the LED programing and some more advanced functions.


Switch control from Möllehem part: 2

Now I received all the parts to continue my switch control panel so here is part 2 in the series.
I will use following schematics for this simple panel:

I have test mounted them on the universal circuit board. This is to easily solder the components and draw the wires to the panel decoder. On top of the circuit board will I mount a Plexi glass board with the holes drilled for the buttons, LED´s and paint the routing on according to the schematics above.

Here is the first test mount:

Next step solder the push buttons and the led´s. Connect the push buttons to the common 0V that comes from the panel decoder and the output goes back to the panel decoder at the correct input position 1-16. It´s important to be meticulous and write down which button is connected to which input position because each push button will get an address and these will be used for the programming later.
Panel decoder
LED driver for 12 LED´s

The LED´s are drive from a separate LED driver board that will be connected to the panel decoder. Each LED driver board can operate up to 12 LED´s. There is a 16pin flat cable that needs to be split and soldered to the correct LED.

I have soldered the first 3 buttons and LED´s to the circuit board. Also mounted all the circuit boards on an very temporary holder to start programing and adjusting the servos.

With my small temporary board and turnout mount will I try the programming of panel decoder, led driver and servo decoder. But more about that in my next post.