
Interior design: Kvadrat clouds

When you plan a house you can not stopp looking for interior design elements. I plan my expected living space and think where I should put what and so on. So I have always my eyes open for interior design.
Yesterday did i found this on the Google+ post and was interested in there screening wall.

After some help did I get the company name of the manufacturer of the screen wall, it is Kvadrat clouds and designed by Ronan & Erwan Bouroulle. Apparently do the make this sections in every color you can imagine but I love the striking orange also another example of there product. The only negative side of this product i maybe the price tag it cost roughly 290.00 € for 8 sections which is 2,5 square meters.

Desert table thoughts

I have for a long time wanted to build my own table for miniature games so I can invite friends over for some beer and gaming. In a few weeks will we start a WW2 desert campaign for the fighting during 1941. It will run for 8-10 months and it is a good opportunity to build my self a gaming table. My ideas are to build 4-5 boards of 1200x600mm and incorporate a fixed wadi element and some paths that go between the boards. Main material will will xps polystyrene and have sides of 6mm MDF for strength.

Here is a basic layout of my 4 boards, the last one will be a plain board.
My inspiration for the terrain will be this:

It will be dry and sandy with some small trees and bushes. Let´s see when I can start but I keep you all posted. Please send me an comment if you have any good suggestions or tutorials for terrain making.


DAK Leichte Pioneers + Lightbox

I have under a long time not been pleased with my photo of my figures and a few days ago did i find a DIY lightbox guide. Link is here.
The box is extremely easy to build and it took only 2 hours in total and a price tag of 5€.
It looks better now I have attached the cloth properly on the side, but you get the ideé.

The models how had the honor to premier the lightbox was my new Liechte pioneer platoon for my growing EW DAK mittler panzer kompanie. It was fun models to and it is my first desert basing. I used the Vallejo Desert sand pumel and a light wash of devlan mud on topp. Realy fast and I like the result.

I have also done a objective for testing the basing material. It is only a boring supply dump in the desert.

My next goal is to finish the tanks for the army list but I am on good track an will be done in two weeks I think. I will keep you posted.


Prussian Reg. completed.

My extreme long term project of my Prussian´s for Napolean at War is one step closer completion. The figures have been standing on my Work are for e few months and decided that I should complete them before they collected any more dust. Here are they in a earlier post http://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=3359937139248839986#editor/target=post;postID=529518650736682479

This is my first Regiment of Prussians and it is the 9th 'Kolberg' Inf. Reg that took action in the 100days campaign against France. All the models are magnetized sins the long pointy rifles are easy to bend.
It will take a will until i take the next Regiment and then will I only paint one battalion at time.

Old house for fire?

Progress update on the house build: Now is the old house cleared out off material that are not flammable or is a environment hazard. The keys are handed over to the fire department so they have full access to the house. The Fire department is given 4 weeks to use the house as a exercise house and then burn it down to the grounds. 

We are very happy that we can help the community and give the fire department a training house. Apparently is not that common any more. I guess this is because allot of houses today have so much material mixed and it is more work to cleare the house of environment hazardous material than the gain. It will be interesting to see how much will be left of the house when they are done. I will give you some before and after pictures when it´s done.


House renderings

I have been playing around with the house model I have built previous.
We have had decision problem regarding the fireplace and where it should be placed. Our first fireplace was a really big a masonry fireplace from Nordpeis but the price was to high and the we where not 100% if the final finish would be good. So we had rethink the fireplace choice and placement. So we took a trip to Larsens Kaminbutik in Billdal and we found our fireplace. It is a Keddy 815 but with a higher stand that they are developing now.
Next issue where to place it and how will the chimney be on the second floor.But with some hours in the cad program have solved this decision and we are pleased with the position and choice of fireplace. I also have started to look at the lighting setup in the house. Where should we position the spotlights etc. I have done some ruff renderings and here is the result (you stand in the living room and look towards the hallway).

I will continue with the work of the lights. I will try to get in the spotlights and how they will look against our ribb sealing. So there will be more renderings soon.


More winter Germans

When the winter is on it´s last breaths I am starting to paint my winter schema LW Germas for my Panzerjäger kompanie.

In a previous post have show you the start of the main force of 14 Hetzer´s. I have painted 4 so far and will continue later on. My main idea is to paint the most boring models first and then continue with the more fun Hetzer´s. So I have painted the artillery support of 4x 15cm art + command etc.

So here is my first attempt of winter basing. I am not 100% satisfied but it will do. I like the painting but not the basing. But it is my first try so until next time will there be some changes on the basing.

I have also done some test smoke markers for the Flames of War V3 rules. Direct smoke is much more powerful sins it´s like normal smoke and cover 5x10cm area and every thing that have a line of sight through the smoke gets cover and gone to ground and limits the field of view to 40cm. I will try to shoot this on my next FOW game.

On my painting table at the moment is EW German DAK tanks and lichte engineers. We are starting a EW Tubruk campaign soon and I am planing to play a German tank company. So my winter Germans will take a break.

Building Permit approved!

I know that it have been very silent on the blog for a month, but I have been active and things have moved on in the right order.

Biggest news are that our building permit is approved and arrived at my doorstep yesterday! There where no objections from our neighbors so it feels nice that they approve our plans.

So the next step in the building process is that we need the electrical removed from the house so the Fire department can have access to the house. The plan is that the Fire department will use the old house as practice are for one month and in the end will the burn it to the grounds. Then can the the landscaping and groundwork start.

The Fire department had a few demands before they will start with the house so we have pulled off all the tiles on the roof and all the electrical wiring in the house is gone and all the insulation is removed. Luckily for me was there only one room with insulation and all the electrical was external mounted so it was easy to remove. So now except for the main power cable is the house ready for the fire department.
I will post some pictures later on.